Green Flame
by Daniel Noll
The green flame I was, that singed the eyes
The grassy tongue that sang the heart sunny
Moist shade drifted me down.
Leaf-mantled and lullabied, I laid
Foot-rooted in patient dirt, worm-ridden,
They tried the zeal of my flesh.
"Too soon, too soon".
All and I breathed in Sap and Leaf
And what the wind bore.
Green - domed I oozed
Suckled the dust with my own sap
Sucked in gnats and flies
Took the odor of noon and sooner setting suns
Golden-domed, I was the red flame that shot the eye.
and the twisted fingers offering gifts
And what the soil gave.
I fell rot rigorous.
Long shadowed white-mantled relic,
I slept tired and full of wishes
Quieted and hardened I smelled of darker days
Till the noise of early morning bees
Broke my pace and set my eyes adrift
Flowered and all nubined I woke
To set my pulse to the forests dull throb
And to breezes.
And all the sky, the trees and all
Became my eyes and ears and blur and green
And what the wind bore became me
Time snailed across times terrain
Foggy hours of revelation
Each day its own world created
and never the same world twice
Distance and size where unborn
And the movers had not yet taken to their task.
And dung and sweat and bood and urine
I did my part. Held myself loosely
The unhearing bestower gifted me with unknowing
This unseer put me in front of this mirror of unseeing
This unspeeker with whispers unclear and unspeakable
And black and cold and wet and slime and tart and rough
And dark and dim and calm and hail and echo and silence
And rot and green smell and sharp and all that
And death and birth on each side and all around me.
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